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Category Archives: Copper News

Copper has been in the news a lot lately. Whether it is buying and selling, profitability reports or even copper theft, it is definately news worthy.

Copper Bullion – Buying & Selling Copper Art Bars

The skyrocketing price of copper has apparently opened a whole new market in copper goods…copper bullions, copper art bars, copper roundsĀ and copper ingots. Although this is not something completely new, the way these products are being marketed and sold is completely overwhelming. I am seeing 1/4 ounce copper coins selling for a buck a piece [...]

Welcome To Salvage Copper

Copper is becoming more and more important in the global economy. With this increase, the value and demand of copper is also rising. There is a real surge for salvage and scrap copper recycling. What used to be a quick trip to the local scrap yard for some extra lunch money, has now turned into [...]

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